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ברכת יעקב ליל_edited.jpg

Blessing of Jacob

Inspired by the biblical story of our father Jacob

The lighting sculpture “Blessing of Jacob” casts a luminous beam upon the Biblical character of our father Jacob. This composition eloquently chronicles the bestowal of Jacob’s blessings upon his progeny, from whom the twelve tribes of Israel are formed.

Jacob purposefully switch his right and left hands, conferring his blessings, giving to the younger son Ephraim a prophecy of many descendants. He also graces his elder son Menashe with his blessing. When questioned by Joseph, Jacob affirms his deliberate intent to switch his hands.

The effulgence upon the sculptures, shifting with the rhythms of day and night, envelops them in a halo that describes the sanctified moments of Jacob’s blessings.

A profound allegory resides in the embodiment of this statue, one that augurs the abundant blessings destined to grace the entirety of the city and its denizens.

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ברכת יעקב ליל.jpg
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