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Light for Zionism

A tribute to David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of the State of Israel

On the 50th anniversary of the death of David Ben-Gurion, and amidst the crisis currently being imposed upon the Zionist people, lighting artist Chen Taoz has created the “Light for Zionism” sculpture with a portrait of David Ben-Gurion, a leader who inspires Zionists to this today.

The statue is designed in a contemporary style according to the contours of the State of Israel, with a portrait of David Ben-Gurion on its front featuring the words of the Israeli anthem “Hatikva”. The statue is also a menorah with candleholders for Hanukkah, which takes place in the month of the Prime Minister’s death.

 The Zionist symbols integrated into the statue evoke emotions in every Jew, Zionist and lover of Israel. The creation of the statue is extremely important at this time for strengthening Zionism and raising the morale of the people of Israel.

“An action that has real meaning is a positive action, not preventing the evil of others, but doing good yourself, in all your creative capacity. […] If thousands of young men rise up and do this – they will suffocate all corruption and emptiness anyway. The light drives away the darkness.” (David Ben-Gurion, from: Letter to Amos Oz, 03.28.1954, quote from the website of the Ben-Gurion Heritage Institute, translated by the studio.)

Lighting the candles in the statue is a metaphor for continuing to spread the Zionist light, the legacy of the first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion, who declared the independence of the State of Israel and signed the Declaration of Independence on Friday, May 14, 1948.


Light for Zionism Menorah


Light for Zionism Menorah

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