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The sculpture, designed in a contemporary style, reflects the contours of the State of Israel and prominently features a portrait of David Ben-Gurion. The front of the statue includes the words of the Israeli anthem, “Hatikva.” Additionally, the sculpture functions as a Menorah, with candleholders for Hanukkah.


This statue integrates powerful Zionist symbols that resonate deeply with Jews, Zionists, and lovers of Israel. Its creation at this pivotal time aims to bolster Zionism and uplift the morale of the Israeli people.


David Ben-Gurion once said, “An action that has real meaning is a positive action, not preventing the evil of others, but doing good yourself, in all your creative capacity. […] If thousands of young men rise up and do this – they will suffocate all corruption and emptiness anyway. The light drives away the darkness.” (From a letter to Amos Oz, March 28, 1954, translated by the studio.)


Lighting the candles in this sculpture symbolizes the ongoing dissemination of the Zionist light, honoring the legacy of Israel’s first Prime Minister, who declared the independence of the State of Israel and signed the Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948.

Large Zionist Menora - with Ben Gurion and Hatikva on Israel's land


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  • This menorah is also a beautiful Zionist art piece for home and office during the year.

    Width: 25.5 cm / 10"

    The metal must be cleaned from time to time with a suitable cleaning paste for steel or brass. The product can be washed in boiling water.

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